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Europe SIG

The Faculty of Public Health’s Europe Special Interest Group (SIG) has been established to strengthen our capacity in health advocacy at the European Union level, and to collaborate on the development of competence-based public health education and training across Europe. Based on the best evidence.

Vision and Aims

  • Support the development of sustainable public health education and training systems in Europe.
  • Advise on European engagement and action, in particular in relation to health policy.
  • Support the development of a visible and effective public health profession in European member states.
  • Collaborate with European partners, including the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) on public health policy and education and training.

The Europe Special Interest Group is co-chaired by Alison McCallum and Judit Simon and reports to the Faculty's Global Health Committee.

FPH members can join this SIG by logging into their FPH members’ portal account, selecting the ‘Committees/SIGs’ button and choosing the correct SIG. You will then be asked to provide a few details, following which your application will be automatically approved. Further details on FPH membership are available here.


Activity: Re-establish the Europe SIG as a group 

Outcome: Refreshed membership during 2024 

Target date: December 2024

Name lead: Alison McCallum and Judit Simon

Progress to date: Judit agreed to co-chair and we have an outline plan for refreshing membership and webinars

Outputs:  Welcome  webinar; Initial list of priorities

Activity: Engage with overseas Members, Fellows and Honorary Members and Fellows linked with ASPHER, WHO, EUPHA, EPHA, WFPHA, IANPHI and EUMS  

Outcome: Enhanced opportunities for joint working and learning 

Target date: December 2024

Name lead: Alison McCallum, Judit Simon and John Middleton

Progress to date: In process of reaching out re shared seminars 

Outputs: Two joint seminars in September and November 2024

Activity: Engage SIG in WHO/ASPHER core curriculum 

Outcome: Increased engagement of the SIG with European Public Health Week and sharing next stage of curriculum development work 

Target date: September and November 2024 

Name lead: Alison McCallum and Judit Simon

Progress to date: FPH Education Committee is involved but overseas members have not been 

Outputs: Seminars linked to EPH 2024  

Activity: Develop shared understanding of priorities, strengths and challenges facing SIG members and their populations

Outcome: Enhance opportunities for collaboration through greater understanding of health systems, and organisation of public health and population health challenges across WHO Europe 

Target date: December 2024 

Name lead: Alison McCallum and Judit Simon

Progress to date: Work by individual members during the pandemic highlighted opportunities for mutual support and learning for professional and public health benefit 

Outputs: Workshop to develop shared priorities in September 2024

Activity: Collaborate to develop an evidence statement that will inform Faculty’s position on public health priorities regarding the review and updating of the trade and co-operation agreement with the European Region during 2025/26

Outcome: Shared statement from public health specialists based in UK, EU and WHO European Region regarding priorities for improving health and reducing health inequities 

Target date: May 2026 

Name lead: Alison McCallum, Judit Simon and Meri Koivusalo  

Progress to date: Preliminary consideration of feasibility only 

Outputs: Workshop European Public Health Conference 2025; Abstract May 2025

Activity: Contribute to the development of ASPHER 2030 Strategy 

Outcome: The contribution of the FPH and SIG to the shape, content and priorities of the 2030 strategy is evident

Target date: November 2024 to June 2025 

Name lead: Alison McCallum and Judit Simon 

Progress to date: Timetable for the development of strategy has just been announced and we are looking at how to align activities with the timetable

Outputs: Agenda for November 2024 workshop

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