What we think
We’re proud to do policy-focused work that aims to give everyone the best chance to live a healthy life, no matter who they are or where they live.

We’re proud to do policy-focused work that aims to give everyone the best chance to live a healthy life, no matter who they are or where they live. On this page you’ll be able to read our recent position statements which tell you what we think on a number of different issues. You’ll also be able to read consultation responses which we’ve developed in collaboration with our members to help inform policy development in a way that puts public health at the heart of the narrative.
FPH Vision for the Public's Health
Our Vision for the Public's Health is a national call to action, setting out pragmatic, evidence-informed recommendations to improve health and tackle inequalities.
At the heart of our vision is the belief that everyone deserves the chance to live a long and healthy life, and that it is unacceptable for people's life expectancy and health outcomes to be determined by their postcode, ethnicity or income.
FPH Policy Briefings
FPH has published a set of Policy Briefings that were written by our Special Interest Groups to provide an insight into key public health issues being experienced within the UK and overseas.
Each brief provides an overview of the issue, highlights FPH’s current work in the field, our current policy position, and a series of FPH policy recommendations that set out some key actions that should be taken. They also highlight current and proposed policies in the UK that are being put forward to tackle the relevant issue.
Functions and Standards of a Public Health System
This document draws together a range of different papers that the Faculty of Public Health has produced in recent years to describe the essential functions of a public health system, and the standards and contribution of the specialist public health workforce that are crucial to a robust UK public health structure.
Consultation responses and position papers
The section below has links to the various consultations the FPH has responded to, as well as the position papers written.
Active Travel and Social Justice inquiry - consultation response (2024)
Low-carbon advertising and sponsorship policies: a public health brief for local authorities (2024)
Adapting the UK’s transport system to the impacts of climate change - consultation response (2024)
Position statement on fossil fuels and the fossil fuel industry (2024)
The Environmental Outcomes Reports: consultation response (2023)
The draft Air Quality Strategy: consultation response (2023)
Climate and health strategy - revised (2023)
Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Call for Evidence (2023)
Useful links relating to COP, climate change and health (2021)
Climate and health strategy (2021)
Climate and sustainability checklist for FPH events (2021)
Greener NHS consultation response (2020)
Permitted development for shale gas exploration (2018)
Defra: Air quality: draft Clean Air Strategy (2018)
Raynsford review of planning (2017)
Local action to mitigate the health impacts of cars (2016)
Traffic congestion in London: London Assembly Transport Committee (2016)
Please note these are external resources and do not represent FPH's position
Acheson 1998 - Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health
Acheson 1988 - Public Health in England
Document from ProQuest’s House of Commons Parliamentary Papers displayed with permission of ProQuest LLC. https://parlipapers.proquest.com/parlipapers/docview/t70.d75.1987-083671
The role of the NHS in prevention: a view from 2024 (2025)
The role of the NHS in prevention: a view from 2024 – executive summary (2025)
Faculty of Public Health's response to the NHS 2024 consultation and 10-Year Health Plan (2024)
Implementing the NHS Long Term Plan - Proposals for possible changes to legislation (2019)
Briefing on the NHS charging regulations for overseas visitors in England (2018)
NHS England: Developing the long term plan for the NHS (2018)
Integrated National Transport Strategy - call for evidence response (2025)
Active Travel and Social Justice inquiry - consultation response (2024)
Transport, Spatial Planning and Health (2024)
Transport and The Climate and Ecological Crisis (2024)
Adapting the UK’s transport system to the impacts of climate change - consultation response (2024)
Strategic transport objectives - consultation response (2023)