Step 1 - join FPH
SIG membership is only open to FPH members. All membership grades are eligible to join a SIG, except for Student Members. If you’re not an FPH member, or you think your membership may have lapsed, you’ll need to contact our membership department to join or update your status. We would recommend joining as an Associate Member in the first instance.
Please refer to the Join Us page. For any other membership queries: email or phone 020 3696 1483.
Step 2 - apply to join a SIG via the FPH members’ portal
FPH members can join any SIG by logging into your FPH members’ portal account, selecting the ‘Committees/SIGs’ button and indicating which SIG you would like to join. You will then be asked to complete a short form, following which your application will be automatically approved.
If you have any questions about the SIGs more broadly and how they are governed, you can also contact the FPH policy team at
Step 3 - wait for the SIG Chair to contact you
Once you have completed your application, you will be added to the SIG mailing list with immediate effect. The SIG Chair will then get in contact with share essential induction information, including the Terms of Reference, the SIG workplan, as well as the dates and times of the next meetings.