Activity: Communications and awareness raising through:
- Mapping stakeholders and current policy areas and initiatives to identify opportunities for collaboration with relevant stakeholders (e.g. RCOG, NHS maternity transformation team).
- Attending events, providing input into consultations and writing articles and opinion pieces on areas of relevance.
SIG members proactively seek to increase the influence of the women and girl’s health SIG through collaboration with partners.
The SIG coordinates FPH responses to relevant government and professional consultations.
The SIG stays up to date with topical events and developments in Women and Girl’s Health, using these opportunities to increase the visibility of Women’s Health in all areas of public health.
Target date: One year and ongoing
Named lead: Co-chairs and members
Progress to date:
- Launch meeting was attended by stakeholders including RCOG, VCSE sector (Birth companions), DHSC, UK preconception partnership.
- SIG worked with RSH to respond to Scottish parliament consultation on safe access zones.
- Blogs, articles and journal publications as appropriate on outcomes of joint projects.
- SIG is represented at stakeholder meetings as appropriate e.g. Public health and prevention in Maternity – expert Reference Group NHSE.
- FPH distinguished lecture on Maternal Health Inequalities.
- FPH podcast episode to coincide with “What is Public Health?” campaign.